My Beautiful Girl

In Liverpool during ‘Beatleweek’ all those years ago I met the most unique, loving, caring, selfless girl who was destined to be the ‘love of my life’ and make me be the best version of myself that I could ever be. The words in this song “Suddenly I knew, everyday I’d love you, saw my forever in your smile” were inspired by my love and devotion for her “My Beautiful Girl” Caroline.
To my pals, a Big thanks to Martin Wykes for his creative work with Production, Mixing and Drum parts, to Davie Paton as always for his Brilliant Bass and Guitar Work and imaginative Digital musical arrangements in this song. Also Davie Valentine for recording my Vocals and Backing Vocals at Heartbeat Studios.
This song has a special meaning to me and the lyric reflects the way I feel in my life with my wife and the life we ‘ve had from Liverpool to here.
“All you need is love”
This is NOW available on i-Tunes https://music.apple.com/gb/album/my-beautiful-girl-single/1560091539 and also Spotify.